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Addressing e-SIR Gaps in the Education Sector in Turkana County

Addressing e-SIR Gaps in the Education Sector in Turkana County

Despite well-wishers building of numerous classes at Kanamkemer Primary School many learners still find themselves seated outside, under trees which have been converted to classes.

“As the board we had two priority issues at Kanamkemer Primary School – classrooms and water – and this project will address these issues. We will collaborate with the different stakeholders such as IRCK to ensure we achieve this. We also thank UNICEF for the initial role they played in identifying these gaps,” – Romano Fumo, Kanamkemer Primary School, Board of Management Chairman.

In November 2022, the Inter-Religious Council of Kenya, State Department of Economic Planning and UNICEF-Kenya conducted Electronic Social Intelligence Reporting (e-SIR) exercise in Turkana County.  The exercise evaluated service delivery gaps in the social sectors at county, sub-county and facility level and made recommendations on areas for improvement and closing of the identified gaps. Some of the service delivery gaps in the education services includedhigh student to teacher ratios in primary schools; inadequate infrastructure at the primary school level and irregular ECD feeding programme. For example, in Kanamkemer Primary School there was a report of inadequate classrooms, relieving points and insufficient desks. Key recommendations from the report included that the institution of relevant frameworks by the concerned agencies to recruit additional teachers to meet the required international teacher: student ratio threshold at the primary school level; regularization of the school feeding program; expansion and completion of primary school classrooms, teacher offices and school kitchens.

Therefore, Inter-Religious Council of Kenya supported by the Church of Latter Day Saints (LDS) which is widely known for providing worldwide humanitarian service, came together to strategically close gaps identified in the Turkana Social Intelligence Report. The Church of Latter-Day Saints welfare and humanitarian efforts are coordinated to provide aid for the poor, financed by donations from church members.

The two organization initiated the processes of providing classrooms, toilets, desks, water tanks and other crucial amenities. Initial consultative meetings with the key stakeholders in the education sector, UNICEF and Turkana County Social Budgeting Observatories committed to launching the construction projects in identified schools which aimed at focusing on building classrooms, toilets and buying desks for the schools.

“Kanamkemer Primary School has over 3000 learners making it the largest in the county. Other surrounding schools have lesser numbers such as 1200, and others with 300. That was the main reason that the school was chosen for the IRCK school project.”

–  Sheikh Yussuf Aremons, Interfaith Chair.

“This process was started through UNICEF-Kenya where gaps were identified and as IRCK we have been able to collaborate with different stakeholders to launch this project.” – Linus Nthigai, IRCK Ag. Executive Director.

With the support of Church of Latter-Day Saints, the project aims to built 8 classrooms, toilet amenities and buy desks for the students at Kanamkemer Primary School.

“As Inter-Religious Council of Kenya we appreciate our stakeholders, especially our partners who have enabled this project to be launched.” –  Sujata Kotamraju, Executive Committee Member IRCK and the Chairlady Hindu Council of Kenya.

The chairman of the Parents and Teachers Association, Joseph Emuria appreciated how timely the project was and called for more collaboration from other stakeholders to enable Kanamkemer Primary School move forward and be an enabling environment for students.

The Inter-Religious Council of Kenya works closely with key stakeholders to ensure that the gaps are addressed a point that was emphasised by Dr. Henry Lubanga who was accompanied by Mr. Wilson Serem, the Sub-County Director of Education.

“The government is keen on having adequate classroom structures in all schools. This collaboration will ensure that the environment and benefits are felt in Kanamkemer Primary School.” – Dr. Henry Lubanga, County Director of Education, Turkana County.

The area MCA who was also present during the launch of the project, appreciated the milestones that had been achieved by closing the gaps. This was also emphasised by Thomas K. Siele, Deputy County Commissioner.

“There are still things that need to be addressed such as the perimeter fence that needs to be put up; cases of children who are loitering and idling in the county need to be addressed. We need to mobilise our children to go back to school.”  – Mr. Siele.

He also called on the schools to keep on planting trees and challenged the principal to have a program where they plant trees and nurture them such that as they grow up the trees also flourish and grow with them.

He also called for more collaboration with other stakeholders as the nearby schools still needed support as some of the school structures had been swept away by rains. He applauded the project as it will also give employment opportunities to the local people.

The commitment to support IRCK’s work at congregational level has been strengthened with available resources for religious leaders to take action in addressing challenges facing the education sector. Religious Leaders have been given courage to call for duty bearers to do more with available public resources entrusted to them.

By Mary Ndulili.

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